By Jack Finnigan
Family man. Gym-goer. Bitcoiner.
I love Bitcoin. It’s the best shot we have at truly enabling individual sovereignty. I could write a whole article on “why Bitcoin”, but this article is about how you can actually save money by booking your hotels with Bitcoin. (For a great intro to Bitcoin I recommend Vijay Boyapati’s The Bullish Case For Bitcoin.)
It’s hard to deny that Bitcoin adoption is spreading. More and more people are starting to save the fruits of their labor in this new form of hard money. But what about spending Bitcoin? Some are against it, and some encourage it. I’m in the latter camp. When you’re living on a Bitcoin standard, Bitcoin is your unit of account and spending it feels natural.
There are many Bitcoin cities, towns, islands etc. popping up where you can pretty much pay for anything in Bitcoin. Some shops will even give you a discount if you pay using Bitcoin, kind of like they are saying thank you for helping spread Bitcoin adoption. LockTrip is one such service. It’s a little-known hotel booking platform that also saves users an average of 20% compared to traditional booking websites. If you’re looking to book with Bitcoin and also save money, it’s highly recommended.
Realtime data showing the average booking discount obtained by users in each month
More and more people are traveling far and wide to attend Bitcoin conferences. Some of the most well-known ones include:
- BitBlockBoom (Austin, Texas)
- Baltic HoneyBadger (Riga, Latvia)
- TABConf (Atlanta, Georgia)
- Bitcoin Amsterdam (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
- Indonesia Bitcoin Conference (Bali, Indonesia)
- Bitcoin 2024 (Miami, Florida)
- Watch out, Bitcoin! (Madrid, Spain)
- Lugano Plan ₿ (Lugano, Switzerland)
- Adopting Bitcoin (San Salvador, El Salvador)
- LABITCONF (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
All of these locations are also great for hanging out and chilling with Bitcoiners!
If you need a place to stay near a Bitcoin conference and want to pay in Bitcoin, LockTrip is a great option (see below). They’ll give you around 3% extra off when paying with Bitcoin.

Find a hotel for your trip and save
1. Select some dates for your trip
2. Choose the conference you will attend
(A new window will open to search hotels in the city for the conference)

Visiting a different location?
No problem! Just visit the LockTrip website now to check the prices.
Thanks for reading, I hope you have a wonderful time!